Friday, October 5, 2007

Select your favorite content sources

Sure, it's great with thousands upon thousands of content sources aggregated into one service. But sometimes you may want to check out a single source, or a limited number, or want to compare one set of sources with another. Well, in Silobreaker you can do exactly that by setting up your own publication filters and then by bookmarking the pages enable the source-customizations to be used more than once.

Here is how you do it:

Click on "Advanced Search Options" under the search box to expand the column. In the field under "Select Publications" start typing the name of the source you would like to use (see picture below). Once you have found the source, select it and click on the "add" button.

Repeat the steps as explained above for each source you want to add to your list.

When you have completed your selections, click on the "search" button.

You're done! Any search on the page you've just created is now limited to the sources that you selected.

Now bookmark the page for future use.

Click here to go to the page in this example.

If you can't find a source, please let us know about it. Simply request a source by emailing us at

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